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Web3-proficient · Full-stack-expertise · Challenge-driven · Team-player · Solution-oriented · Creative-thinker · Passionate · Skilled-communicator · Ambitious · Resilient

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Jacob Fecunda

Full-stack Web3 Developer


London, UK

Exploring Blast: The Next Wave of Ethereum Scaling?

This blog offers a candid look into the Blast Layer 2 network, with my thoughts so far on it whilst embarking on the development of a decentralized exchange (DEX) for Blast. It delves into the technical nuances of Blast, its unique native yield feature, and the broader implications for Ethereum scalability. With a focus on the practicalities of building on this emerging platform, it balances technical detail with accessible insights for both developers and curious observers alike.

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Embracing Web3 after Graduating

Navigating the transition from a traditional computer science background into Web3 and blockchain technologies, present a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

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